Pi Day! Are You Celebrating? | Annapolis Moms Network


Pi Day is tomorrow, March 14! In this house, we’ll take just about any excuse to celebrate. Having bigger kids that can get into the meaning of Pi and the history behind the concept is cool, but also there’s pie. So, we’ll leave it to you to decide which is the best part of this holiday.

Here are some of our favorite spots to grab your Pi Day pie today in time to celebrate tomorrow!

  1. PA Dutch Farmers Market ย – Careful! They’re closed on Sunday
  2. Dangerously Delicious Pies – We love the Baltimore Bomb!
  3. Garry’s Grill – Chocolate Peanut Butter, anyone?
  4. Stoney River – If you haven’t had their Key Lime, you’re missing out.


Here are some great resources to go over your bigs about Pi Day while you enjoy!

  1. Pi Facts For Kids
  2. Exlporing Pi
  3. What is Pi Day?
  4. Number Pi Video


We want to know – How will you be celebrating? Any other pie (or Pi!) resources we should have our eyes on?

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